Opportunity for interviews on the human rights situation in Tibet
Expert explains forced boarding schools in China
China continues to pursue the systematic destruction of Tibetan families. Meanwhile, four out of five young Tibetans have been submitted to forced boarding schools run by the Chinese government. After months of separation, they often refuse to speak Tibetan. Mandarin is the dominant language in the boarding schools – and the aim is to destroy the Tibetan language, culture, and history.
The Tibetan education expert Dr. Gyal Lo has been conducting research on the Chinese forced boarding schools for years. By invitation of the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) and the Tibet Initiative Deutschland (TID), he will be in Berlin from March 18 to March 21. During this period, he will be available for interviews in English and Tibetan.
After fleeing China at the end of 2020, Dr. Lo decided to make raising awareness about China’s forced boarding schools in Tibet his life’s work. His research shows that the Chinese education system in the autonomous region of Tibet and the neighboring regions is designed to indoctrinate children, to discredit Tibet’s history, and to prevent an entire generation of young Tibetans from learning the Tibetan language. Families have no way of escaping the system of forced boarding schools. Thus, China is violating international human rights standards.
Despite decades of oppression, the Tibetan resistance remains unbroken. Faced with a mega-dam project of the Chinese government, which would lead to the flooding of Tibetan villages and Buddhist monasteries, many Tibetans took to the streets in early 2024. Dr. Lo can also provide information about the background to the current protests.
If you wish to schedule a personal meeting or phone call with him, please contact: