The Society for Threatened Peoples sends an appeal to the Interior Minister: Stop deporting children of refugees who were born or brought up here!
"Less births in Germany than ever before!"
In 2011, the number of births in Germany has decreased by 15,000 compared to the year before. A problematic development that – according to many economists and entrepreneurs – is getting worse every year. Some papers have already titled "Germany is dying out!" According to the Society for Threatened Peoples (STP) there are about 60,000 people – including about 15,000 predominantly German-speaking children with refugee background – facing deportation at the same time. Today, the STP's general secretary, Tilman Zülch, sent a letter of appeal to the federal and state ministers:
"Stop the deportations of refugee-children who were born and raised here! It is political madness, that authorities in all parts of the country are only busy harassing refugee families, controlling them permanently, constantly issuing year-long bans for working and for job training, declaring trivialities such as leaving the administrative district to be serious crimes – and to eventually expel thousands of refugee-children and their parents from the country. The 15,000 children – who often don't speak the language of their parents properly any more – end up in an insecure surrounding, in poverty and homelessness.
Most of the refugees belong to minority groups who fled from their home countries, such as the Roma and Ashkali from Kosovo, the Kurds, the Baha'is, the Yezidi, Christian Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syrians, and Armenians, the Mandaeans or Alevis from the Middle East or the Chechens.
Many teachers, social workers, clerics, the Christian churches, refugee-councils, human rights activists and a lot of other people have campaigned and fought for their integration in Germany and have invested a lot of time and money in doing so. German ministers, senators and representatives are wasting this potential with their intransigence.
This kind of refugee-policy is irresponsible, senseless and inhumane.
Please start to integrate these refugees properly at last! The naturalization of these 15,000 children alone would compensate the deplored decline in births from 2010 to 2011."