Become a sponsor or a member!
Would you like to help enforce human rights for persecuted ethnic and religious minorities? Whether you're a member or a sponsor – your donation will help us to remain independent, which is necessary for our human rights work.
Advantages As A Member

Choose your monthly membership fee, starting from 6 Euros (or a minimum reduced fee* starting from 3 Euros).

You can withdraw your membership within 14 days without giving a reason and cancel it at any time. The cancellation will come into effect at the end of the month.

We will keep you informed about our human rights work regularly.

Your membership fee is tax deductible.

You will be able to vote at our annual meeting and thus play an active role in our human rights work.
Advantages As A Sponsor

There is no minimum contribution. You can freely choose how much you want to donate.

You can withdraw your membership within 14 days without giving a reason and cancel it at any time – with immediate effect.

We will send you information about our human rights work at least five times a year.

Your contribution fee is tax deductible.
For us, your contribution is an obligation
Human rights work can only be effective if it is independent from party politics and ideologies, not dependent on governmental or economic interests. Your contribution will strengthen our position, help us to uncover human rights violations and to document them, and – most importantly – start political initiatives to support threatened ethnic and religious minorities.
Naturally, we take care to put donations to good use and make our spendings transparent – as certified by the seal of approval of the DZI (German Central Institute for Social Issues).
* For students and people with low incomes. Please send us an according document: E-mail: or via post: Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker e.V. (GfbV) Postfach 2024 37010 Göttingen